Structural Solutions Simplified is a platform oriented to work in two segments. One is to provide structural consultancy services to the clients and other is educational segment, through which content related to civil engineering field will be shared.

Structural Solutions Simplified is a branch of Things Simplified geared towards civil/structural engineering and architecture. ‘Things Simplified’ is a platform to reflect and represent the genuine voice, addressing the issues pertaining to the general public which they face or encounter frequently, either directly or indirectly.

The idea behind starting the consultancy services is the lack of awareness among the people regarding the safety standards that need to be followed while carrying our construction activities. The cost involved in construction has surged over the time and compromising with the structure’s safety may be a very costly idea.

A blog has been started for sharing educational content that is created by Structural Solutions Simplified Team as well as recent developments taking place in civil engineering field world-wide.  The content published here goes thorough analysis and detailed examination from the experts. The content is not theoretical one but can be directly applied in the practical by proper understanding.

The budding civil engineers or architects who feel lag in their practical and theoretical knowledge can bridge it by going through our content. The intention behind launching this platform is to help amateur civil engineers and architects in clearing their basics and understanding the hidden dynamics of underlying issues.

So, we look forward to your involvement and engagement with this platform.


Working Team